Webinar: A legal reading of Fintech

Mercoledì 16 settembre 2020 – dalle ore 15.00 alle ore 16.00

The aim of this webinar is to provide hints on the most recent trends in the fintech space post Covid-19, and discuss them from different legal angles: regulatory, data protection and contract law.
The webinar will be hosted by Legance in collaboration with the Oxford Fintech and Legaltech Society and Lex Digital: Andrea Fedi, Marco Penna and Lucio Scudiero, from Legance will guide you through the main legal issues arising out of the fintech world with the support of Domenico De Martino,

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Webinar: Meet Your Female Arbitrator

Lunedì 15 giugno 2020 – ore 18.00

Arbitration is still pretty much a man’s world, which in recent years has been overwhelmed by a staggering increase in the number of dispute that has led to inefficiencies and prolonged proceedings.

“Meet Your Female Arbitrator” is an opportunity to get to know some of the many outstanding female arbitrators out there: their backgrounds, personalities, views on the perspective women bring and thoughts on how to meet the increasing demand for efficiency in international arbitration.

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Aree di attività: Contenzioso, Arbitrati e ADR
Professionista: Cecilia Carrara

Webinar: Equilibrio di genere nelle società quotate: attualità e prospettive

Mercoledì 10 giugno 2020 – ore 14.00

Il webinar affronterà le recenti modifiche legislative e regolamentari in materia di quote di genere negli organi di amministrazione e controllo delle società quotate. Anche grazie alla partecipazione degli speaker esterni, saranno illustrate, da una prospettiva critica, le principali problematiche applicative emerse dalla prassi.

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